Rent A Space can help you get ready for Christmas

Rent A Space can help you get ready for Christmas

With less than a week to go until the big day, you’re probably starting to get ready for Christmas day.

This time of year is all about family and it’s not uncommon to have hundreds of relatives descend on your house for Christmas dinner. It’s a great family occasion, but the problem is where do you put all of these people?

With the spare room full of your collectables or hoarded items and the living room sofa reserved especially for stockings full of presents, you need to create some space for your family to sleep. This can be a problem in itself, where do you store these items over the Christmas period to ensure they are kept out of the way and can be easily retrieved after the festive period?

That’s where Rent A Space comes in

Get all of the possessions crowding up your spare room and piled up on your sofa bed sorted out this week and drop them off at Rent A Space. You can rent a storage unit over the festive period and not have to worry about finding your guests under all of the household overflow.

Your storage unit can be big or small (depending on how much you need to shift), it will be clean and dry and it will be safe and secure so you can rest assured that we are looking after your items whilst you enjoy your Christmas dinner.

Then, once the Christmas period is over you can come and retrieve your items from Rent A Space and deposit them straight back in the spare room. Or, if you are enjoying the new space, you can take out a lease on your unit for longer and we’ll look after your items as long as you need us to.

So get in touch with Rent A Space soon, and we’ll help you and your home get ready for Christmas.

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